
6 Awesome Shoe Hacks

1. Stretch a pair of tight shoes by wearing thick socks and blow drying the tight area.
 Doing this will alter your balance a little and take pressure of the balls of your feet.
2. Tape the 3rd and 4th toes on each foot before wearing closed-toed heels.
 3. Put panty liners in your shoes to absorb sweat.
 4. Sand the bottoms of shoes that have slippery soles.
 5. Prevent chafing on heels with K-Y Jelly.
 6. Soak blistered feet in warm black tea to reduce infection.
 Black tea’s tannins act as astringents that help toughen up feet, reduce infection, and stop bleeding from open cuts or scrapes.
 All Hints And Pictures Via

Monday 16 May 2016

23 Inventive Hacks That Every Parent Should Know

From Dipley>> "Being a parent is ultimately rewarding, but also can be tiresome and challenging to say the least. Instead of enduring the hardships with a frown, there are genius hacks that are guaranteed to help make a parent's life easier. So the next time your children put their shoes on the wrong feet or their pacifier falls on the floor, remember, there's a hack that will solve that."
CONTINUE READING HERE>>23 Inventive Hacks That Every Parent Should Know

15 Common Gardening Mistakes Everyone Makes

From Natural Living Ideas >> "We gardeners seem to prefer learning the hard way. In spite of all the gardening books we browse through, and the classes we attend, mistakes are invariably made.  Here’s a sample of the ones many have made and regretted."
CONTINUE READING HERE>>15 Common Gardening Mistakes Everyone Makes