
Just The Facts Jack And A Few Smiles And Grandma Giggles :)

  • Jimmy Kimmel Calling Out The Huffington Post!!!

  • OCD Stock Boy :)

  • Chris O'dowd Calling Out The Irish Daily Mirror!!!

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  • Tacos Are Really, Really Old.....While there is some debate over when exactly the first taco was created, most experts state that the first taco was actually invented somewhere between 1,000 and 500 B.C. At the time, the taco was more about having an edible spoon and since has morphed into the dish that we know today.

  • Halloween folklore is full of fortune-telling and magic.....Old English folklore about Halloween is full of superstition and fortune-telling that still lingers today, like bobbing for apples or avoiding black cats. One piece of folklore says that if a young unmarried person walks down the stairs backwards at midnight while holding a mirror, the face that appears in the mirror will be their next lover.

  • Your feet have about 250,000 sweat glands which produce up to half a pint of perspiration each day.

  • According to U.S. News, people lie way more in writing than face-to-face. We lie most on e-mails, then in chats or text messages, and the least in person. In writing, you don't have to worry about mannerisms, and it's just less personal and guilt-inducing.

  • Due to the psychological toll that lying takes on a person, liars are bound to use fewer, more tentative words when speaking. There is only so much brainpower to go around, and a ton of it goes directly to concocting and performing the lie rather than to an impressive vocabulary.

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