
Tuesday 25 June 2024

Just The Facts Jack :)

  • One reason why good people may sometimes do bad things is due to societal pressure or influence, the innate desire to fit in and feel accepted can lead someone to act against their better judgment.

  • People who love to get attention and cannot do without it are drama seekers. If you constantly try to convince yourself that you’re important, more important than others, and deserve to always be in the spotlight, then you may possibly love drama.

  • FACTS....

  • There will still be plenty of people who swear a lot and are dishonest, along with those who swear very little and are honest. Nevertheless, for now profanity seems to be associated with greater honesty, rather than dishonesty.

  • The connection we feel towards dogs might be even stronger than the ones we feel for human family members. Dogs don't judge us, answer back or lie to us in fact, they are the source of comfort that many people crave.

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Saturday 22 June 2024

Just The Facts Jack :)

  • Wheel of Fortune only has one puzzleboard. The current version is made up of 52 touch screen television monitors turnThere is also only one puzzleboard. The current version is made up of 52 touch screen television monitors turned on their sides. There are 12 across in the top and bottom rows, and 14 across the two middle rows.ed on their sides. There are 12 across in the top and bottom rows, and 14 across the two middle rows.

  • The word "tequila" is repping its roots—literally. It comes from the Aztec language Nahuatl Tequillan, the name of the region where the drink originated and where blue agave plants are still harvested today.

  • The concept of fruit salad was probably introduced during the US Naval Era, perhaps in the early 1900s. While ancient CHamorus ate mangoes, papayas, young coconuts (mÃ¥nha), bananas and other native fruits, the mixing of a variety of fruits with a sweet sauce is distinctly Western.

  • There are a few reasons why dogs love playing fetch. The first reason has to do with a dog's natural instincts. A dog's wild ancestors (such as wolves) would catch and bring back a successful hunt to their families. Dogs were then domesticated to help humans hunt and retrieve what they caught.

  • Horses and other sanctuary mammals such as cows, goats, sheep, pigs, llamas, and alpacas, can potentially live harmoniously on the same pasture, but they will require careful introduction and early supervision to ensure a good fit.

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Tuesday 18 June 2024

Just The Facts Jack :)

  • It took eight years to develop the recipe for milk chocolate....Daniel Peter, a Swiss chocolatier and entrepreneur, spent eight long years trying to figure out a recipe for milk chocolate that would work. It wasn’t until 1875 that he realized that condensed milk was the answer to all his troubles. 

  • With over 5.4 billion people using social media worldwide, it’s clear that it plays a significant role in shaping the way we communicate and interact with one another. However, not all the information we see online is necessarily true or reliable.

  • It took until the 1920s for a motor-powered dishwasher to come into fruition, due to the implementation of permanent plumbing and other advances in technology, manufacturers were able to launch electric, top-loading dishwashers. However, due to the subsequent economic crash and WW2 following that, it wasn’t until the 1950s when these dishwashers became widely available for an affordable price.

  • Sometimes, people mishear or misinterpret the lyrics of a song due to various factors such as the singer's accent, the speed of the song, background music, or poor audio quality. This mishearing can lead to incorrect lyrics being remembered and sung.

  • Despite it being called a ‘bean’, coffee is actually a fruit. The ‘beans’ grow on a bush and are found in the centre of a berry, known as a coffee cherry.

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Sunday 16 June 2024

Just The Facts Jack :)

  • According to a survey of 1,000 new mums, five per cent of men faint in the delivery room.

  • Blue eyed people are more tolerant of alcohol, but less tolerant of the sun.

  • Experts say you can become addicted to being late. Despite the general public’s agreement that tardiness can read as rude or irresponsible, 1 in 5 people are late to work atleast once a week.

  • If you are a little more on the short side than your brothers and sisters, then your older siblings could be to blame. A New Zealand study of 312 children found that first-born children tended to be taller than the second born, the second born taller than the third born, and…well, you get the idea.

  • The origins of how, when, and where the modern hot dog was first created are often debated. Some historians say Frankfurt, Germany, and still others claim towns like Vienna, Austria or Coburn, Germany. Either way, in the United States, the story of the famous hot dog is a bit more straightforward. It might not surprise you to know that the first hot dog cart was opened in New York City, where the mobile fast-food establishments are still widely popular today. In 1867, Charles Feltman began serving the fast food on Coney Island.

  • Pillows only became everyday household items during the Industrial Revolution of the 1800’s. They could be easily mass-produced by large textile factories and thus became affordable to the masses. 

  • John Astin who played Gomez in the original TV series was often smoking cigars. He would put out lit cigars in the pocket of his coat so the coat had to be lined with asbestos to avoid starting a fire.

  • Coca-Cola was originally marketed as a tonic for most common ailments, based on the fact that it contained cocaine from the coca leaf and caffeine-rich extracts of the kola nut. The cocaine was removed from Coca-Cola’s formula around 1903.

  • The stereotype that the British drink a lot of tea is immediately confirmed with this fun fact. They drink around 100-160 million cups of tea daily, which is about 36 billion every year. The difference from most of the countries in the world is that almost all the tea drinkers in the UK (98%) add milk to their cup of tea.

  • More than 20 years ago, when people were still visiting the local video store when they wanted to watch a new movie, Blockbuster — the reigning giant of video and DVD rentals — turned down a deal to buy Netflix. At the time, Netflix was just a small DVD rental company. And while business was picking up, the founders were still eager to sell.

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Just The Facts Jack :)

  • Jack Nicholson was raised by his maternal grandparents. He was led to believe that June (his real bio mom) was his older sister and his grandparents were his parents. It was not until 1974, when a Time magazine reporter researched his life, that he learned the truth. An Italian immigrant named Donald Furcillo, who was married briefly to June, may have been Jack's biological father. It is also possible that Jack's biological father was Edgar A. Kirschfeld, a Latvian-born entertainer (known as "Eddie King"). Nicholson has chosen not to investigate further.

  • African lions are mostly found in sub-Saharan Africa. They used to be found all over Africa but now they have mostly disappeared from North Africa and are at risk of extinction in West Africa. Lions live in savannahs and grasslands, where some cover and plenty of water can be found.

  • The average American eats almost 18.8 pounds of fresh and storage-type onions every year. To keep up, that’s 350 semi-truck loads of onions per day!

  • Cats lay on keyboards because it provide a cozy and warm spot for cats to relax and unwind. The soft keyboard, gentle hum, and emitted heat create a purrfect nap spot that cats can't resist. It's like having their own personal, heated bed right at their paws, offering comfort and relaxation during their lounging sessions.

  • Police and animal welfare officers were called to Centenary Mill, where a horse was found living in a flat on his own, officers say they don't know how the horse got there or who it belongs to, but it had food and water and looked to be in good health. 

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