
Saturday 3 August 2024

Just The Facts Jack :)

  • Margaret Hamilton, The Wicked Witch Of The West....She was accidentally burned during a special effects sequence. She returned to the production under the condition she would not have to work around fire again. Ironically, when she died, she was cremated.

  • A victim mentality is when a person feels like a victim across situations, even when the evidence suggests otherwise. They may feel they have no control over what happens to them. This outlook can impact many areas of your life like relationships, work, and health.

  • Earth's distance from the Sun is not what causes the seasons but it does affect the length of them. Around perihelion, the Earth is moving around 1 kilometre per second faster than at aphelion which results in winter being 5 days shorter than summer.

  • Shopping In 2024....Brand New $3.00 / Second Hand $8.99.

  • Adobe released the first version of its Photoshop software in 1990. It was originally created by brothers John and Thomas Knoll under the name Image Pro.

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Just The Facts Jack :)

  • Why do people struggle with multitasking....What our brains are doing when we multitask is rapidly switching between tasks. This constant switching taxes our brain. It essentially tires it out and makes it less efficient. This particularly affects our ability to focus our attention in general, even when we are not multitasking.

  • Robert Cornelius shot the world's first-known self-portrait photograph the world's first selfie in October 1839. He captured the image, both mundane and momentous, only weeks after the advent of photography itself.

  • There are lots of reasons that cats love boxes, but the main one is because they're confined, enclosed spaces. Cats are ambush predators and finding confined places where they can hide, hunt prey and feel safe and warm is an instinctive behaviour. Snug cardboard boxes fit the bill perfectly.

  • Does beer belly ever go away....Exercises like crunches may help firm up muscles, but there's mixed research about how well specific exercises can burn fat just in the belly or elsewhere. However, a beer belly will usually shrink as you lose body weight. Losing weight is often described in simple terms: Burn more calories than you consume.
  • There are over 147,434 chefs currently employed in the United States. 25.2% of all chefs are women, while 74.8% are men.

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