
Saturday 10 August 2024

Just The Facts Jack :)

  • We are born without kneecaps! We have cartilage structures in place of where the kneecap sits and as we get older (usually between 2-5) the cartilage formation changes into bony tissue. When we walk our knee is subjected to between 2.5-4x of our body weight!

  • According to the National Endowment for Financial Education, 70% of lottery winners go bankrupt within a few years. Obtaining more money often leads to careless spending and the desire to get more money, and the greed can be destructive to the lives of winners and their families.

  • Some people say age is just a number and that age does not matter. Others say age matters, because at every age comes a series of events that teach you something new about life. At every age comes growth. At every age comes a deeper meaning to life.

  • Historian, Bob Eckstein, author of History of the Snowman, stated that no one knows who invented the very first snowman, however, he feels that the first man of snow was made in medieval times, the medieval Book of Hours from 1380 contains the very first illustration found of a snowman.

  • Without regular physical and emotional interaction with their owners, dogs can become anxious, depressed, and even aggressive, so those few minutes of cuddles help a lot. Dogs that do not receive enough attention may start chewing on furniture or barking excessively. In extreme cases, they may even bite people.

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Thursday 8 August 2024

Just The Facts Jack :)

  • The name 'The Lion King' wasn't the first choice of the producers and filmmakers, as it went through various titles including King of Beasts, King Of The Jungle, and The King of the Kalahari. Finally, the name 'The Lion King' was chosen!

  • You're not always going to be the expert in a given topic, but when you shy away from asking questions out of fear of looking foolish or being irritating, you risk missing a learning opportunity and slowing your progress.

  • The word "pajama" has its origin in Hindi: "pae jama" or "pai jama", which literally translates as "garment for the legs" and dates back to the Ottoman Empire of the 13th century. Pajamas were originally for them loose pants or boxers with a simple cord to tie them.

  • Why is my remote always lost....There's a good chance that you lost the remote in the room where you watch television. Many people tend to leave their remote near the television set, or near where they sit when they're watching T.V. It is very common to lose a remote in the couch.

  • If you only receive messages or contact from your friend when they need emotional, physical, or financial support, it could indicate they're taking advantage of you. Instead of asking you to hang out or to strike up a conversation, they may feel that you have helped them in the past and will do so again.

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Just The Facts Jack :)

  • Aside from being a pressing aesthetic issue, the over/under debate also brings germ-related concerns. Our hands are at their germiest as they reach for toilet paper. The theory goes that if the toilet paper is in the “over” position, fingers only touch the toilet paper about to be used.

  • Crazy people are risk takers. That's not to say they're reckless, just that they take more chances than most. They don't care what others think of them and are willing to try anything once. In short, they're fearless.

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  • Taking responsibility for our life allows us the satisfaction and contentment of knowing we did our best. Even if the outcome is not as we had hoped, knowing we were in control and we couldn't have done any more gives us peace of mind.

  • The first step to being okay is talking about how you feel, and your friend is going to need someone to listen when they're ready to open up. You don't need to try to fix their problems, just let them know that you care and that their feelings are important, heard and valid.

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Just The Facts Jack :)

  • Cats' dislike of car rides usually stems from a fear of leaving home, unfamiliar smells and sounds, an aversion to the carrier, or motion sickness. A comfortable carrier, pheromone sprays, practice with short trips, and possibly vet-prescribed medications can all help cats be more comfortable in the car.

  • Why do people think they are good at multitasking....Multitasking lights up an area of the brain that makes us feel like we are accomplishing more—even if evidence suggests otherwise.

  • Aside from changes in the brain that impact inhibitory control and social cognition, it could simply be that as we get older, we care less about what others think. Compared to younger adults, older adults are less self-conscious, reporting fewer experiences of emotions such as shame, guilt, and embarrassment.

  • Most grandparents are more lenient with their grandchildren. Usually, because they don't see them as often and tend to spoil them when the do. This creates a different relationship between the child and the grandparent.

  • The elderly, in particular, need quality rest to help their bodies recuperate and function optimally. Unfortunately, many elderly people find themselves inadvertently sleeping while sitting, whether it's due to discomfort in bed, mobility limitations, or simply dozing off in a chair.

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Just The Facts Jack :)

  • The raven is the largest member of the crow family and one of the world's most intelligent and playful birds. In the realm of myth, it is a bird of paradox, and something of a dark clown. It was seen at times as a guardian. Unfortunately it also had a reputation as a bird of ill-omen.

  • Money Talks....The idea behind this idiom was stated by Euripides in the fifth century b.c. , and some 2,000 years later Erasmus spoke of “the talking power of money” ( Adagia , 1532). The precise current locution, however, only began to be used about 1900.

  • Why is it so difficult for some people to wake up early in the morning? Struggling to wake up early isn't about whether you hate mornings but how you sleep at night. Lifestyle factors like your social life or work schedule, medications, and medical conditions all determine your sleep quality.

  • With their big, round eyes, button noses and large heads, puppies share many of the same physical characteristics as human babies. And like babies, as well as kittens, teddies and many cartoon characters, puppies provoke in us an automatic 'cute response'.

  • Brain overload stems from a variety of factors, each of which arises from taking in new information. The mind has a limited capacity for attending to information at any given time and is inclined toward novelty in its environment.

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Tuesday 6 August 2024

Just The Facts Jack :)

  • According to Forbes, as of June 2023, Dolly Parton's net worth was estimated to be around $440 million. This estimate highlights her financial success stemming from her expansive career as a singer, actor, businesswoman, and philanthropist.

  • Deer antlers (which only male bucks possess) are extensions of their skulls. Bucks will use their antlers to fight each other for a doe when in rut. Antlers are then shed after the mating season and re-grow in the spring.

  • The word vase is borrowed from the Latin word vas meaning vessel or container, as well as the 14th-century Old French vas meaning receptacle or container. They are upright, typically open vessels (although some varieties may include a cover), and they can serve multiple functional or decorative purposes.

  • Why do my kids stress me out....When you believe you're responsible for how your child turns out, you put a huge amount of pressure on yourself, because you've given yourself an impossible task. It's part of the reason why you get anxious, reactive and mad at your kids. But remember, anxiety breeds anxiety and calm breeds calm.

  • Granny. Daisy May Moses (portrayed by Irene Ryan in all 274 episodes), called "Granny" by all, is Jed's mother-in-law, so is often called "Granny Clampett" in spite of her last name and despite the fact that in the pilot episode Milburn Drysdale refers to her as Jed's mother.

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Monday 5 August 2024

Just The Facts Jack :)

  • Public schools are phasing out traditional playgrounds, with their slides and monkey bars. They will be replaced with "naturalized playgrounds" which include large hills, walking paths and grass mazes.

  • Why do husbands not listen to their wives....In some extreme cases, when your spouse doesn't listen, it may be because they feel like this will make the problem go away. Your partner may be ignoring you because they don't want to talk to you, and they hope you forget what you were talking about.

  • Why do some people enjoy starting arguments....It might be you deeply crave real connection, attention, and intimacy, but don't know how to get it in healthy ways. Fighting and its aftermath might be the only way you know to create that close feeling.

  • Many women in their 40s experience perimenopause, a period of hormonal fluctuations leading up to menopause. These changes can result in symptoms like fatigue, hot flashes, and mood swings. Thyroid function can change with age, and hypothyroidism (an underactive thyroid) becomes more common as people get older.

  • Passage of the 1951 Durham-Humphrey Amendment to the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act of 1938 altered the role of the pharmacist. Now restricted to recommending over-the-counter medications, they began to focus more on dispensing prescriptions and ensuring product safety.

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