
Wednesday 7 August 2024

Just The Facts Jack :)

  • The raven is the largest member of the crow family and one of the world's most intelligent and playful birds. In the realm of myth, it is a bird of paradox, and something of a dark clown. It was seen at times as a guardian. Unfortunately it also had a reputation as a bird of ill-omen.

  • Money Talks....The idea behind this idiom was stated by Euripides in the fifth century b.c. , and some 2,000 years later Erasmus spoke of “the talking power of money” ( Adagia , 1532). The precise current locution, however, only began to be used about 1900.

  • Why is it so difficult for some people to wake up early in the morning? Struggling to wake up early isn't about whether you hate mornings but how you sleep at night. Lifestyle factors like your social life or work schedule, medications, and medical conditions all determine your sleep quality.

  • With their big, round eyes, button noses and large heads, puppies share many of the same physical characteristics as human babies. And like babies, as well as kittens, teddies and many cartoon characters, puppies provoke in us an automatic 'cute response'.

  • Brain overload stems from a variety of factors, each of which arises from taking in new information. The mind has a limited capacity for attending to information at any given time and is inclined toward novelty in its environment.

  • Thank You For Visiting :) 

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