
Sunday 27 February 2022

Smiles, Giggles And Just The Facts Jack :)

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  • Brad Pitt is an actor who went from a Midwestern teen athlete to one of Hollywood's most recognizable stars. At the start of his career, he landed roles on shows like "Dallas," before breaking into film with parts in "Thelma & Louise," "A River Runs Through It," and "Interview With the Vampire." Over the years, he's been praised for his work in the "Ocean's" movies, "Se7en," "Moneyball," and "Twelve Monkeys." He's also a successful producer with an Oscar for "12 Years a Slave." Despite being in the entertainment industry for decades, there are some things that fans might not know about the "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood" and "Ad Astra" star. He's "not much of a crier" while watching movies, but "How to Train Your Dragon" got to him. "In the end, he lost his leg and they're living in harmony with the dragons … it got me," Pitt told W magazine in 2012. He also told the magazine that he got sick following a trip to Cabo and "wept" while watching the Kevin Kline movie "Life as a House." "I don't know if it would still hit me the same way, but on my 27th hour of just pure wretchedness, this movie crushed me," he said.....

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  • It's theorised that there are seven types of breasts among women, according to experts from San Francisco lingerie brand ThirdLove. Despite common belief, it's not just breast size that varies significantly, but shape as well, and it's the shape that determines the seven different types of breasts.There Are 8 Types Of Nipples In The World....Bet you didn't see that one coming! According to Dr. Tsippora Shainhouse, M.D., a board-certified dermatologist and paediatrician in Beverly Hills, California, there are eight different types of nipples. All of them are normal, and it's certainly possible to have a combination of two or more types. Boobs Are Not Just Made Of Fat....Contrary to popular belief, boobs are not just made up of fat (although fat determines their size). They are made of a combination of fat and fibrous tissue (which give them their shape), as well as glands and ducts that make breastmilk. More Than 2 Women Under 40 Are Diagnosed With Breast Cancer In Australia Every Day....Every day in Australia, more than two women under 40 are diagnosed with breast cancer. And while the National Breast Cancer Foundation recommends doing a breast self-examination once a month (ideally three to five days after your period starts as your breasts are less tender and lumpy during this time), 90% of women aged 18 to 35 check only a few times a year or less. To put that in perspective, 73% of women in Australia use a hot hair styler at least once a month. In light of this information, the National Breast Cancer Foundation has actually teamed up with ghd to create a limited edition 'Pink Collection' featuring three of ghd's signature products—with $20 from each item sold going towards breast cancer charities—to remind women to take control of their breast health, just as we do our hair......

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  • How many dogs are is just too much?
    That’s the question you’ll be asking if you have one pooch and you’re considering getting another to keep your pup company. According to the American Veterinary Medical Foundation, 38.4% of U.S. households own an average of 1.6 dogs, so you’ll be in good company. However, many factors will determine what the perfect number is when it comes to dog ownership. For example, people living in urban areas of the northeastern states tend to have fewer dogs than those who live in the mid-west where the population is sparser and more outside space is the norm. How Much is Too Much? As dogs are pack animals, a family of two or three dogs is thought to be better than one solitary animal that relies solely on you for company. However, the more dogs you own, the less individual attention each dog will receive from you. And that can be where problems begin. The relationship and bond between you and each dog in the group become diluted, and rather than being seen as the pack Alpha, you become just another pack member. That can lead to insecurity within the pack, and scraps may break out, as dogs jockey for position in the pecking order. Of course, if you have a large family, the human to dog attention ratio can be more balanced with each family member having one or two “favorite” dogs. In many cases, that can be all it takes to rebalance the harmony within the pack. So, the number you should take on depends on several factors:
        your availability
        your ability to humanely care for them
        your resources
    and the amount of space you have inside and outside your home. Generally, most people can comfortably own one or two dogs, although that’s often a full-time job! Some folk who maybe have a large family, and live in a vast place with lots of indoor space and land outside may be able to balance four to six . However, owning more than six dogs takes an extraordinary person with exceptional devotion and the resources to go with it.
  • Hoarding: Now, some people take dog ownership a step too far, taking on scores of dogs that run wild around the home. That situation often leads to both dogs and humans living in unsanitary, unhealthy conditions. Also, most often they are not de-sexed, leading to litters of unwanted puppies being born, and a population explosion that continues unchecked. Such hoarding often leads to the authorities becoming involved and seizing all or some of the dogs for the animals’ welfare. A classic case of dog hoarding was recorded in 2012 in Pennsylvania. Two brothers pleaded guilty to animal cruelty after almost 200 were discovered on their property. Like most hoarders, the brothers genuinely loved their pets, describing them as their “boys and girls.” And when veterinarians checked the dogs, mainly Chihuahuas, they found them to be in overall good health. Even the bodies of 30 canines that were discovered in a freezer on the premises were reported to have died of natural causes. The dogs’ bodies had been kept after death, simply because the brothers could not bear to part with their pets.The dogs, in this case, were fortunate in that the two brothers, although perhaps misguided, did care for their pets properly, and potentially damaging in-breeding did not occur. However, most animals owned by hoarders are not so lucky, suffering severe health problems, emaciation because of a lack of food, and untreated injuries caused by fights due to overcrowding......

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  • The internet is full of fabulous facts about everything from current events to the history basket weaving and bologna fun facts. As we research for our daily content on food trucks, food carts and street food, we stumble upon some items of knowledge that we just did not know. We have decided when these fun facts pop up, that we would share them with our readers in our section titled “Did You Know?” For today’s Did You Know we will look at Bologna fun facts. Bologna Fun Facts: Bologna sausage, also known as baloney or polony, is a sausage derived from and somewhat similar to the Italian mortadella (a finely hashed/ground pork sausage) containing cubes of lard that originated in the Italian city of Bologna.  Mortadella dates back to the 15th century, and the original recipes included myrtle, ‘mortella’ in Italian, hence the name. U.S. government regulations require American bologna to be finely ground, and without visible pieces of lard. Bologna can alternatively be made out of chicken, turkey, beef, pork, venison or soy protein. October 24th is National Bologna Day.  There are 1,632 people in the U.S. listed on with the last name ‘Bologna’ and 88 with the last name ‘Baloney’ Americans eat 800 million pounds of bologna annually. Oscar Mayer is the most popular bologna brand thanks to its 1973 jingle “My bologna has a first name….” Bologna is a popular breakfast food in Newfoundland, served fried as a substitute to ham slices. It is also sometimes barbecued as well. In either case, it is referred to as “Newfie Steak.”......

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  • Whether you love or hate her, Nicki Minaj has been in the fame game for quite some time, gaining the well-deserved title, ‘Queen of Rap’. From Nicki’s badass lyrics, bust-ups with stars, to crazy outfits and alter egos, the best-selling female artist has grown into a household hip-hop name. Her Barbie ways, flawless flow and crazy personality is why we love her, and keeps us wanting more! But the popular celebrity hasn’t had it easy; to find out more about her tough upbringing and struggle to fame, here are 28 Nicki Minaj facts you probably didn’t know about the baddest female rapper around. She Has a Mix-Cultured Nationality. Although you might think that the rap star is American, she is actually of African, Trinidadian, and Indo-Asian descent. She was born in Trinidad and Tobago and then moved to the Bronx in New York City when she was five years-old. Nicki Minaj’s Parents are Gospel Singers. Music runs in the family! Nicki’s father, Robert Maraj, is a financial executive and part-time gospel singer, while her mother, Carol is also a gospel singer but also worked in payroll and accounting departments! It looks like the Bang Bang singer grew up around music, although she decided to follow suit with a different genre. Her Tough Childhood Has Shaped her Personality. Many think that the American Idol judge is ice-cold. It’s hard not to see why after the rough upbringing she’s had. Her drug-addict father sold all their furniture when she was a youngster and even set fire to their home in an attempt to kill her mother. Her tough early life gave Minaj the fire to make something of herself and empower other women that are in a weak situation like her mom. She has a Controversial Brother. This Nicki Minaj fact might blow your mind. In 2017, Nicki’s, 38-year-old brother Jelani Maraj (photo: far right) was found guilty of predatory sexual assault on his 11 year-old step-daughter. Although Nicki reportedly visited her brother with her mother after the guilty verdict, she hasn’t spoken about the matter, publicly.......

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  • Microwave oven is a direct descendant of radar. The first microwave oven that was commercially available had 1.8 meters in height and weighed 340 kilograms. It used three times as much power as today's microwave ovens, and was water-cooled. Microwaves are reflected by metal. The heating effect of microwave radiation was discovered accidentally in 1945.  The first food to be deliberately cooked with a microwave was popcorn. The first public use of a microwave oven was in January 1947. Speedy Weeny vending machine was placed in Grand Central Terminal and it sold freshly prepared hot dogs.    The short, wide shape of a microwave oven, that is now common, was developed by Litton Industries in the ‘60s. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics says that over 90% of American households owned a microwave oven in 1997.  Consumer ovens usually use microwaves of 2.45 gigahertz while large industrial/commercial ovens often use 915 megahertz microwaves. Microwave heating is the most efficient on the water because of its dipole molecules and less efficient on fats and sugars. A common idea that microwave ovens cook food "from the inside out" is a misconception. A microwave oven converts only part of its electrical input into microwave energy - some 64%. Food and cookware taken out of a microwave oven are rarely much hotter than 100 °C........

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  • Learning to talk begins in the womb. Your baby could hear your voice and other sounds from about 23 weeks of pregnancy. So although she won't say her first word until she's about a year old, she's learning about language right from the start. Your voice is your baby's favourite sound, and she'll love to hear you talk and sing to her. It's never too early to start reading to your baby, and the more words she hears now, the better her language skills are likely to be later on. Babies are born with the ability to swim.    Newborns naturally hold their breath when underwater, and even splash about with their arms and legs. If you take your baby to a swimming class you’ll see these innate talents in action! Your baby can go swimming as soon as you like, but if you're planning on taking her yourself, wait until after your six-week check. It's important to make sure you're healing well before going in the pool. When you do go swimming with your baby, make sure that she doesn't get too chilly. Choose a special baby pool with warm water, or try a baby wetsuit instead of a regular swimming costume. A baby, with a stork mark on her forehead, smiling and looking at the camera. Birthmarks are surprisingly common.  About a third of babies are born with a birthmark of some kind. The most common type is a stork mark (pictured), also known as a salmon patch or angel kiss. This is a pale pink patch on your baby's face or neck, which may appear more red when she cries. Stork marks usually disappear within six months.  Most birthmarks are harmless and will disappear on their own, though some can be a sign of a condition that needs treatment. If your baby has a birthmark, or any unexplained bumps or colouring on her skin, ask your GP to take a look. Newborns are short-sighted. Newborn babies can only see clearly about 20cm to 30cm (8in to 12in) in front of their faces. Everything else is a blur of light, shape and movement. Fortunately, this is the perfect distance for your baby to gaze into your eyes as you feed her! By the time your baby's one month or two months old, she'll be able to focus her eyes on a toy when you move it in front of her face. And by the end of the fourth trimester, she'll be able to see close-up colours and shapes much more clearly.  Help your baby to explore her developing vision by showing her toys with bold patterns in bright, vivid colours. Babies have more bones than adults. Your baby was born with about 300 bones. As she grows, many of these will get harder, and some will fuse together. For example, the skull starts as three pieces of bone joined by cartilage, so that it can fit through the birth canal. This is why your baby's head has soft spots. But these pieces eventually join to make one solid bone. By the time your baby reaches adulthood, she's likely to have just 206 bones in her body. Breastfeeding takes practice. Babies need to learn how to feed from the breast, just as you need to learn how to help them latch on. This can make the first few weeks of breastfeeding tricky and uncomfortable, but it does get easier with time. Babies have tiny tummies, and need to feed often at first. So if you're breastfeeding, you're likely to spend a lot of time with your baby at your breast in the early weeks. Be prepared, and remember that there's plenty of support available.....

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